Royal Roads: Portal

Royal Roads: Portal

Close the portal to stop a dangerous wizard and his thirst for power.
As the ruler of your kingdom, you find yourself on a perilous journey in Royal Roads: Portal. The elders of neighboring lands have reached out for your help, as a dangerous wizard with a thirst for power is threatening to bend the kingdoms to his will. His sinister plan involves opening a portal to bring forth otherworldly warriors, but you are the only one who can stop him.

Royal Roads: Portal features a vast and beautifully rendered world, where you must complete various quests to gather resources and allies to aid in your quest to close the portal. The world is filled with diverse landscapes and mysterious creatures, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. The gameplay emphasizes strategy and decision-making, as you must choose which quests to undertake and what resources to allocate. The immersive storyline will keep you engaged, as you uncover the wizard's motivations and work to restore peace to the kingdoms.

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