Dive into endless puzzle fun, blending new challenges with classic favorites.
Get ready to test your wits and master the art of magic as you delve deeper into the captivating world of Fresco Wizard. With 18 scenes and stories to explore, you'll have the chance to unravel the secrets of the kingdom, piece together intricate mosaics, and disenchant more than 150 objects to lift the curse. Immerse yourself in a world filled with stunning graphics, tons of gem combinations, and thrilling puzzles that will keep you engaged every step of the way.
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Dive into a sprawling universe of meticulously crafted puzzles.
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Embark on a quest brimming with diverse puzzles and limitless replayability.
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Apply vibrant colors and watch as each intricate design comes to life.
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Follow the numbers and watch as your masterpiece comes to life.
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