Gaslamp Cases 7: The Faith of Rasputin

Gaslamp Cases 7: The Faith of Rasputin

Unveil the secrets of Rasputin's faith and restore peace to London.
In Gaslamp Cases 7: The Faith of Rasputin, London is in the grip of a mysterious crisis. An illicit drug, inducing unprecedented aggression and violence, spreads across the city, traced back to the enigmatic Russian mystic, Rasputin. You step into the shoes of a renowned detective trio, facing their most challenging investigation yet. Your mission is to navigate through this complex web of intrigue and discover the sinister truth behind the chaos.

Embark on an engaging journey through over 70 captivating match-3 levels, each offering a unique challenge that tests your problem-solving skills. Along the way, meet a cast of intriguing characters, each entwined in the unfolding mystery. Enhance your investigative abilities by unlocking 20 essential upgrades, aiding you in piecing together clues and unraveling the narrative. Your detective prowess is crucial in exposing the hidden connections and preventing the city's descent into mayhem. Unveil the secrets of Rasputin's faith and restore peace to London in Gaslamp Cases 7: The Faith of Rasputin.

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