Hidden Object Chronicles: Poisoned Truth

Hidden Object Chronicles: Poisoned Truth

Piece together the events leading to the murder and ensure justice prevails.
In Hidden Object Chronicles: Poisoned Truth, step into the shoes of a skilled detective called upon to unravel a high-society murder. Mark Mendelson's anticipated family gathering turns tragic when he is fatally poisoned, leaving you to sift through tangled family relations and deep-seated secrets of the Mendelson clan. Navigate through opulent settings and unravel the mystery of who stands to inherit the vast fortune, uncover motives, and pinpoint the opportunist behind this cunning act.

As you delve deeper, every hidden object you find brings you closer to the truth, challenging your detective skills with each clue unraveled. The wealthy family's façade crumbles, revealing a web of jealousy, greed, and betrayal. It's up to you to piece together the events leading to the murder and ensure justice prevails. With a keen eye and sharp wit, discover the poisoned truth in a tale where only your investigative prowess can send the murderer to jail. The fate of the Mendelson legacy rests in your hands in Hidden Object Chronicles: Poisoned Truth.

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