Jigsaw Boom

Jigsaw Boom

Explore a virtual jigsaw puzzle and construct intriguing images.
"Jigsaw Boom is an excellent way to get sleepy when you are not. I love doing puzzles, but now I can without the children losing the pieces before I have finished! I also love the variety of sizes. Some nights I want a complicated puzzle, and other nights I choose a simple one to complete quickly."
-Review from Verified customer: impulsive1
Game Description
Put together challenging puzzles as quickly as you can in Jigsaw Boom. Explore this virtual box of jigsaw madness and piece together tons of different images. Change the number of pieces per puzzle, turn on rotating pieces, and choose from different categories in this incredible game. With an awesome atmosphere and beautiful images, each puzzle is sure to transport you to a peaceful place in Jigsaw Boom.
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