My Farm

My Farm

Build a thriving farm from a single hen and just a few pennies.
In My Farm, you begin with a single hen, an open field, and a modest amount of money. Your task is to nurture your hen by providing food and improving its living conditions. By offering an ample supply of seeds, your hen will reward you with eggs that can be sold to the local shopkeeper. In return, you'll be able to purchase additional animals at the Farmers' Fair.

However, be vigilant in ensuring your hens receive regular meals, or they may wander off in search of sustenance elsewhere. It's essential to maintain a tidy farm and cultivate crops for a steady food supply. Generate income by selling eggs and other agricultural products, allowing you to acquire more animals and items that enhance your farm's productivity. Gradually, as your farm flourishes, you will unlock bonus items and even gain the ability to personalize all your animals, creating a truly unique agricultural adventure in My Farm.

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