Rescue Team: Clouded Mind

Rescue Team: Clouded Mind

Repair devastated landscapes and dismantle a cult's insidious operations.
"I always enjoy Rescue Team games, and Rescue Team: Clouded Mind is no exception. The gameplay is mostly what you already know, but a few new elements have been added to keep things interesting. I definitely recommend it."
-Review from Verified customer: thebyrnes-uk
Game Description
In Rescue Team: Clouded Mind, an ominous cult has begun to erode the will of the masses, spreading a dangerous ideology that threatens global stability. As chaos unfurls across the planet, it falls to the indomitable Rescue Team to confront this sinister force. Guided by urgent distress calls, your mission is to repair devastated landscapes, rescue imperiled civilians, and dismantle the cult's insidious operations.

You will take charge of the elite team, strategizing their every move to ensure safety and effectiveness. As you progress, you’ll uncover clues and devise methods to neutralize a mind-altering substance that the cult uses to bend wills. Each level escalates in complexity, challenging you to optimize resources and make quick decisions under pressure. Will you break the cult's grip and restore freedom to those under its sway in Rescue Team: Clouded Mind?

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